

创建:2023年9月27日|最后更新:2023年10月4日|类别:   |  Tagged:

15华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&在过去的这个夏天,学生们去了亚洲地区,作为该计划的一部分 卢斯亚洲研究与环境倡议(LIASE)资助计划.

参加活动的学生在国外呆了14天,其中11名学生去了日本, 另有四人前往印度尼西亚.

旅行前, 被选中的学生参加了一个学期的学习, 考察两国历史的一学分课程, 文化与环境. 这门课是由W&J faculty members who served as team leaders for the respective trips and by Asian Studies experts outside the College.

澳门葡京博彩软件于2016年开始这项资助工作, and while travel to China/Indonesia/Japan has been a vital component of our efforts, the curriculum we have built around Asian-Environmental Studies at the College and the durable relationships we have built with collaborators in these countries, 能否确保授予人所期望的长期可持续性,” said Dr. Robert East, associate professor and director of Environmental Studies Program and an original principal investigator of the grant.



  • 谭雅·班克斯,心理学专业大四学生
  • 吉利安·柯蒂斯,23岁
  • 拿俄米Shemory, 高级国际研究专业和俄罗斯研究专业, 辅修创意写作和亚洲研究
  • Jordyn White,政治科学和国际研究专业的大四学生


  • 考特妮·拜尔斯,大二学生,环境科学与计算机 & 信息研究专业
  • 保罗·科利尔,23岁
  • 特蕾莎·德文森斯,23岁
  • Felicia Filippini,大三学生,主修环境研究和性别 & 辅修女性研究和工作室艺术
  • 伊莎贝拉·菲奥里,大二学生,未申报专业
  • Natalie Ford, junior environmental studies 以及公共政策 major and nonprofit management minor
  • 麦克斯韦·杰克曼,大二,未申报专业
  • 凯莉·杰斯特,23岁
  • 凯顿·金,生物化学专业大二学生
  • 卡门的孤独者
  • 三虎,大二,未申报专业

Both trips aimed to study the intersectionality of culture and the natural and human-built environments, which provided students with many once-in-a-lifetime experiences among the villages, towns, 印度尼西亚和日本的城市和景观.


在印度尼西亚之行中,教师之旅的领导者是Dr. East; Dr. Zheya Gai, professor of political science and international studies; and Dr. James March,生物学副教授.

Dr. Gai described the trip as unique in many ways and shared her appreciation for the people they met during their journey and how proud she was of the W&J students.

澳门葡京博彩软件东道主的专业知识和专业精神, 特别是许多年轻的女性专业人士和学生, 令人印象深刻,” said Dr. Gai. “(澳门葡京博彩软件的学生)热切而真诚地沉浸其中. 他们为澳门葡京博彩软件与东道主的学术交流做出了杰出的贡献.”

在爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛的许多经历中, 这群人参观了1955年万隆亚非会议的旧址, 与濒临灭绝的苏门答腊象互动, 在高山雨林中露营, 采访了一个油棕种植园的经营者, assessed mangrove conservation efforts and toured the National Tsunami Museum commemorating the 2004 tragedy in Banda-Aceh.

乔丹·怀特(Jordyn White)希望成为一名美国律师.S. diplomat, enjoyed connecting with people in different parts of the world and experiencing their way of life.

“获得全球视野作为一个W&J student has always been encouraged because it enriches the fundamental characteristics our institution stands on, 比如连通性, respect, 同理心和包容,怀特分享道。. “This experience taught me so much and gave me a greater appreciation for the value of culture.”

无论他们关注的领域或学术背景如何, 所有的学生都带着对这次旅行的感激离开了.

“从我踏上机场出发的那一刻起, 直到两周后的最后告别……我的视野每一秒都在拓宽,吉莉安·柯蒂斯说. “这次旅行改变了我的生活,改变了我的观点.”

“Immersive experiences such as this trip can help students practice their interdisciplinary thinking, 沟通和跨文化协作能力. 这些技能, 再加上这些经验所带来的自信心的增强, 将进一步准备澳门葡京博彩软件的学生在世界上产生积极的影响,” added Dr. March.


参加日本之行的学生是由李博士带领的. Nobunaka Matsuno, professor of chemistry; Dr. Jennifer Logan-Bayline, professor of chemistry; Dr. Elizabeth Bennett, professor and chair of psychology; and Dr. 韩烨,中文系副教授.

“The trip to Japan was a profound opportunity for our students to enrich their language skills and expand their cultural horizons,” said Dr. Han. “I was thrilled to witness the proactive engagement of our students during the trip. These moments were a testament to their adaptability and willingness to step out of their comfort zones.”

Paul Collier was able to connect prior learning about the relationship between environmental stewardship and the systemic influence of Shinto and Pure Land Buddhism in Japan.

“因为这些都是尊重自然世界的集体主义传统, 去日本旅游, I was able to witness and investigate the way these religions influenced Japan’s measures to protect the environment,” he shared.

科利尔也意识到, “The fight for environmental protection will not only be won by policy and lobbying but by a true philosophical and moral shift towards valuing the natural world.”

Overall, the group enjoyed many unique experiences centered around Japanese culture and their societal respect for and love of nature. Natalie Ford made this observation through experiencing Japan’s cities and various shrines.

“This was clear to me when seeing various shrines as there are many elements embedded to connect the spirit with nature. Their respect for nature was also seen in the pristine cities in Japan,” she shared.


“这与美国的做法截然不同.S. 我去过的城市, and the cleanliness of the streets demonstrated how highly the people of Japan value their surroundings,” Byers said. “This experience has formed a bridge for me to better understand how other countries handle environmental issues and preserve the natural environment.”

三虎同意拜尔斯的说法, noting Japan’s “impressive technological advancements and commitment to environmental preservation.”

“This eye-opening trip has equipped me with knowledge on how to protect the environment, 我渴望将它应用到我的生活方式中,老虎想。.


作为对所有参与这项资助的学生的启示. Gai shared, “I believe that this trip opened a new world to them and enabled them to imagine new and more exciting paths in their lives.”

Students recently presented highlights of their research topic and travel experience during the annual LIASE Symposium on campus Tuesday, Sept. 19.

“Post-trip discussions in classrooms and other settings have convinced me that these students now better understand what it means to be a global citizen and realize the possibilities for professionally contributing to addressing global environmental challenges,” added Dr. East.

LIASE计划, 由亨利·卢斯基金会资助, 旨在支持集成, innovative projects and programs that promote Asian Studies within the context of Environmental Studies. 在成功完成为期一年的探索性拨款后,W&J的四年实施补助金利用了独特的师资力量, 程序化的利益, 学院的需要和优先事项.

欲了解更多信息,请联系Dr. East at reast@vipratrust.com 或者724-503-1001,分机3358.


The Henry Luce Foundation seeks to enrich public discourse by promoting innovative scholarship, 培养新的领导者, 促进国际理解. 1936年由亨利. 卢斯是《澳门葡京博彩软件》杂志的联合创始人兼总编辑., the Luce Foundation advances its mission through grantmaking and leadership programs in the fields of Asia, 高等教育, 宗教与神学, art, 以及公共政策.

对华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件

Washington & 澳门葡京博彩软件, 位于华盛顿的匹兹堡郊区, 宾西法尼亚, 一所历史悠久的文理学院成立于1781年,重视道德领导吗, 专业准备和包容性社区. Our highly customized and intellectually engaging student experience develops professionals of uncommon integrity to lead in an ever-changing world. 欲了解更多关于W&J、访问www.washjeff.或致电888-W-AND-J.